
大学(教育研究)とか ,親馬鹿とか,和歌山とか,とか,とか.




この本の大部分のページを占めるのは,Part 2のKeyword and example stentencesです.200語*1の見出し語と日本語を打ち出してみました.

  • address: 〜を述べる
  • all in all: 全体として,概して(みれば,いえば)
  • confirm: 〜を立証する,裏付ける
  • conform: 〜に従う,(規則などを)守る
  • disorganized: 混乱した,破綻した
  • line: be in line with 〜に一致している,従っている
  • overstate: 〜を誇張する
  • plausible: もっともらしい
  • put forward: 〜を提唱する
  • rationale: (論理的)根拠
  • reword: 〜を書き換える,改善する
  • shed light on: 光を当てる,明らかにする
  • shortcoming: 欠点,不明な点
  • speculate: 〜について憶測する
  • speculative: 憶測・推論にすぎない
  • spell out: 〜について詳細に説明する
  • warrant: 正当な,正当化する
  • 同月4月25日時点で「理解済み」に移した語: awkward, discrepancy, novelty, problematic, rectify, restate, wording
  • 理解済みの語: accept, accordance, according, accordingly, add, additionally, agree, alter, analyze, appropriate, argue, assert, attempt, attention, base on, benefit, careless, change, check, cite, claim, clarify, clarity, clear, combine, comment, comment on, comprehensive, concern, concerned about, concise, conclude, conclusion, conduct, confusing, consider, consistent, contribute, convince, convincing, correct, criticism, deal with, define, delete, demonstrate, describe, detail, develop, discuss, draw, edit, elaborate, emphasis, emphasize, employ, encourage, enhance, entitled, evaluate, evidence, examine, existing, expand, explain, explicit, explore, find, findings, fit, flaw, focus on, follow, fundamental, give, helpful, hypothesis, improve, implication, include, indicate, informative, insight, instance, integrate, interest, interesting, interpret, investigate, issue, justify, limitation, limited, literature, logic, long, look, major, mean, mention, merge, merit, minor, misleading, missing, move, need, novel, observe, obtain, on, organization, organize, original, overall, perform, problem, propose, provide, quality, raise, reason, redundant, refer, reference, regrettably, relevant, remove, repetition, repetitive, report, rephrase, represent, review, revise, rewrite, say, see, seek, separate, shorten, should, show, significance, significant, simplify, skeptical, sound, specify, standardize, state, study, strengthen, strong, suggest, suitable, summary, support, take into account, term, thorough, throw light on, tone down, try, typo, typographical, unclear, understand, unnecessary, useful, vogue, valid, weakness, write.
