基本的な方針は,fib(n)という,1引数関数でフィボナッチ数を求めるのではなく,fib(1)と同じ値を返す0引数関数fib1() *1,fib(2)と同じ値を返す0引数関数fib2(),…,fib(n)と同じ値を返す0引数関数fibn()を定義するというものです.そうすれば,fib1,fib2,…,fibnそれぞれの実行回数は,gprofで出せるわけです.
/* fib5.c */ #include <stdio.h> int fib1(void) {return 1;} int fib2(void) {return 1;} int fib3(void) {return fib2() + fib1();} int fib4(void) {return fib3() + fib2();} int fib5(void) {return fib4() + fib3();} int main(void){ printf("%d\n", fib5()); return 0; }
$ gcc -pg fib5.c -o fib5 $ ./fib5 5 $ gprof --exec-counts fib5 <unknown>:0: (_fib1:0x401180) 2 executions <unknown>:0: (_fib2:0x40118f) 3 executions <unknown>:0: (_fib3:0x40119e) 2 executions <unknown>:0: (_fib4:0x4011b9) 1 executions <unknown>:0: (_fib5:0x4011d4) 1 executions
/* fib+c.c */ #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #define BINFILE "fib+p" void make_cfile(int n) { FILE *fp; int i; int digit = (n >= 10) ? 2 : 1; if ((fp = fopen(BINFILE ".c", "w")) == NULL) { printf("make_cfile: can't open\n"); exit(1); } fprintf(fp, "#include <stdio.h>\n"); fprintf(fp, "\n"); for (i = 1; i <= n; i++) { if (i <= 2) { fprintf(fp, "int fib%d(void) {return 1;}\n", i); } else { fprintf(fp, "int fib%d(void) {return fib%d() + fib%d();}\n", i, i - 1, i - 2); } } fprintf(fp, "\n"); fprintf(fp, "int main(void)"); fprintf(fp, "{\n"); fprintf(fp, " printf(\"%%d\\n\", fib%d());\n", n); fprintf(fp, "\n"); fprintf(fp, " return 0;\n"); fprintf(fp, "}\n"); fclose(fp); } void profile_cfile(void) { system("gcc -pg " BINFILE ".c -o " BINFILE); system("./" BINFILE); system("gprof --exec-counts " BINFILE); } int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { int n = 10; if (argc >= 2) { int n_tmp; n_tmp = atoi(argv[1]); if (n_tmp >= 1 && n_tmp <= 46) { n = n_tmp; } } make_cfile(n); profile_cfile(); return 0; }
$ make fib+c $ ./fib+c 55 <unknown>:0: (_fib1:0x401180) 21 executions <unknown>:0: (_fib2:0x40118f) 34 executions <unknown>:0: (_fib3:0x40119e) 21 executions <unknown>:0: (_fib4:0x4011b9) 13 executions <unknown>:0: (_fib5:0x4011d4) 8 executions <unknown>:0: (_fib6:0x4011ef) 5 executions <unknown>:0: (_fib7:0x40120a) 3 executions <unknown>:0: (_fib8:0x401225) 2 executions <unknown>:0: (_fib9:0x401240) 1 executions <unknown>:0: (_fib10:0x40125b) 1 executions $ ./fib+c 30 832040 <unknown>:0: (_fib1:0x401180) 317811 executions <unknown>:0: (_fib2:0x40118f) 514229 executions <unknown>:0: (_fib3:0x40119e) 317811 executions <unknown>:0: (_fib4:0x4011b9) 196418 executions <unknown>:0: (_fib5:0x4011d4) 121393 executions <unknown>:0: (_fib6:0x4011ef) 75025 executions <unknown>:0: (_fib7:0x40120a) 46368 executions <unknown>:0: (_fib8:0x401225) 28657 executions <unknown>:0: (_fib9:0x401240) 17711 executions <unknown>:0: (_fib10:0x40125b) 10946 executions <unknown>:0: (_fib11:0x401276) 6765 executions <unknown>:0: (_fib12:0x401291) 4181 executions <unknown>:0: (_fib13:0x4012ac) 2584 executions <unknown>:0: (_fib14:0x4012c7) 1597 executions <unknown>:0: (_fib15:0x4012e2) 987 executions <unknown>:0: (_fib16:0x4012fd) 610 executions <unknown>:0: (_fib17:0x401318) 377 executions <unknown>:0: (_fib18:0x401333) 233 executions <unknown>:0: (_fib19:0x40134e) 144 executions <unknown>:0: (_fib20:0x401369) 89 executions <unknown>:0: (_fib21:0x401384) 55 executions <unknown>:0: (_fib22:0x40139f) 34 executions <unknown>:0: (_fib23:0x4013ba) 21 executions <unknown>:0: (_fib24:0x4013d5) 13 executions <unknown>:0: (_fib25:0x4013f0) 8 executions <unknown>:0: (_fib26:0x40140b) 5 executions <unknown>:0: (_fib27:0x401426) 3 executions <unknown>:0: (_fib28:0x401441) 2 executions <unknown>:0: (_fib29:0x40145c) 1 executions <unknown>:0: (_fib30:0x401477) 1 executions
$ gcc --version gcc (GCC) 4.3.4 20090804 (release) 1 Copyright (C) 2008 Free Software Foundation, Inc. This is free software; see the source for copying conditions. There is NO warranty; not even for MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. $ gprof --version GNU gprof (GNU Binutils) Based on BSD gprof, copyright 1983 Regents of the University of California. This program is free software. This program has absolutely no warranty.
$ gcc --version gcc (Ubuntu 4.4.3-4ubuntu5) 4.4.3 Copyright (C) 2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc. This is free software; see the source for copying conditions. There is NO warranty; not even for MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. $ gprof --version GNU gprof (GNU Binutils for Ubuntu) 2.20.1-system.20100303 Based on BSD gprof, copyright 1983 Regents of the University of California. This program is free software. This program has absolutely no warranty.
のほか,Vine Linux 5.1で試したところ,ともに,n=26までは問題ないのですが,それよりも大きくなると,フィボナッチ数は正しいのですが,gprofの結果が不自然です.