サルカール アラニ (2010)
- サルカール アラニ・モハメッド レザ (2010). 算数・数学教育における子どもの概念形成と思考方略―イラン、アメリカ、日本の比較授業分析―, 中等教育研究部紀要, 名古屋石田学園, Vol.2, pp.3-30. http://ci.nii.ac.jp/naid/110009327270 http://www.n-ishida.ac.jp/main-office/tyuto/kenkyukiyou/09/P3.pdf
Chapin et al. (2009)
- Chapin, S. H., O'Connor, C. and Anderson, N. C. (2009). Classroom Discussions―Using Math Talk to Help Students Learn, Grades K-6, Second Edition, Math Solutions. [isbn:1935099019] http://books.google.co.jp/books?id=2NX4I6mekq8C&pg=PA4
7. Mrs. S: OK, so we have two different ideas here to talk about. Eddie says that order does matter, because five times two and two times five can each be used to describe a different situation, like two bags of five apples or five bags of two apples. So the two number sentences mean different things. And Tiffany, are you saying that those two number sentences can't be used to describe two different situations?
(7. 先生:分かりました.ここまでの発表で,2つの違った考えが出てきましたね.エディさんは,順序は重要だと言いました.なぜなら2倍の5と5倍の2は,「5個入りのリンゴが2袋」と「2個入りのリンゴが5袋」のように,それぞれ違った場面を表すのに使えるからです.それで(かける数とかけられる数を入れかえた)2つの式は異なるものを表すのですね.さてティファニーさん,あなたは,そんな2つの式が違った場面を表すのに使えないって言うのですか?)
8. Tiffany: No, I mean that even though the two situations are different, the answer is the same.
(8. ティファニー:いいえ,私が言いたいのは,その2つの場面が違っていても,答えは同じになるってことです.)
9. Mrs. S: OK, so you're saying that order doesn't matter because the answer is the same?
(9. 先生:分かりました.じゃあ,答えが同じになるから,順番は重要じゃないと言いたいわけ?)
10. Tiffany: Right.
(10. ティファニー:そうです.)
11. Mrs. S: OK. We need to think about this. In Eddie's statement, order makes a difference in the situation you're describing. In Tiffany's statement, order doesn't make a difference in the answer we get. So when does order make a difference in multiplying two numbers together?
(11. 先生:分かりました.このことについてみんなで考える必要がありますね.エディさんの意見では,順序は,場面を表す際の違いをもたらします.ティファニーさんの意見だと,同じ答えになるのだから違いはありません.では,2つの数をかけ合わせて,順序が違いをもたらすのは,どんなときでしょうか?)
Greer (1992)
- Greer, B. (1992). Multiplication and Division as Models of Situations. In Grouws D.A. (Ed.), Handbook of Research on Mathematics Teaching and Learning, National Council of Teachers of Mathematics, pp.276-295. [isbn:1593115989] https://books.google.co.jp/books?id=N_wnDwAAQBAJ&lpg=PR1&hl=ja&pg=PA276#v=onepage&q&f=false
A situation in which there is a number of groups of objects having the same number in each group normally constitutes a child's earliest encounter with an application for multiplication. For example,3 children have 4 cookies each. How many cookies do they have altogether?
Within this conceptualization, the two numbers play clearly different roles. The number of children is the multiplier that operates on the number of cookies, the multiplicand, to produce the answer. A consequence of this asymmetry is that two types of division may be distinguished.
Cartesian products provide a quite different context for multiplication of natural numbers. An example of such a problem isIf 4 boys and 3 girls are dancing, how many different partnerships are possible?
This class of situations corresponds to the formal definition of m × n in terms of the number of distinct ordered pairs that can be formed when the first member of each pair belongs to a set with m elements and the second to a set with n elements. This sophisticated way of defining multiplication of integers was formalized relatively recently in historical terms.
There is a symmetry between the roles of the two numbers here, and hence only one type of division problem. Given that there are 12 possible partnerships, there is no essential difference between (a) being told that there are 4 boys and asked how many girls there are and (b) being told that there are 3 girls and asked how many boys. (In fact, it would be unusual to pose division problems of this type.)
この場合,×の前後に書く2つの数の役割は対称性を持ち,したがって除法の問題は1種類だけとなる.男女のペアは12通りであることを前提として,「(a) 4人の男の子がいるとき,女の子は何人いるか?」と「(b) 3人の女の子がいるとき,男の子は何人いるか?」との間に本質的な違いはない.(とはいえ,こんな形のわり算の問いを出題するのは普通じゃないんだけど.))
For multiplication, they proposed that the primitive model is repeated addition. In an equal-groups situation, such as 3 children having 4 oranges each, the situation can be conceptualized as 4 oranges + 4 oranges + 4 oranges, and the answer can then be calculated by repeated addition. This representation generalizes naturally to a situation such as 3 children having 4.2 liters of orange juice each, which can be conceptualized as 4.2 liters + 4.2 liters + 4.2 liters. For a situation to be assimilable to this model, the crucial factor is that the multiplier must be an integer; no restriction applies to the multiplicand. Moreover, this model of multiplication carries the implication that the result is always larger than the multiplicand.
For equal groups or equal measures, this condition is met by definition. However, the multiplicand/multiplier distinction applies in other classes of situation (see Table 13.1) and, in general, multiplicand and multiplier may be integers, fractions, or decimals. For example, consider the following contrasting pair:
A rocket travels at a speed of 16 miles per second. How far does it travel in 0.85 seconds?
A rocket travels at a speed of 0.85 miles per second. How far does it travel in 16 seconds?
From a purely computational point of view both problems involve the multiplication of 16 and 0.85, but the former is more difficult to envisage as requiring multiplication for solution; many children, indeed, judge that the answer would be given by 16÷0.85 (Greer, 1988).
Results from several experiments using problems from a variety of situation classes consistently show the multiplier effect (De Corte, Verschaffel, & Van Coillie, 1998, p. 203), namely that the difficulty of recognizing multiplication as the appropriate operation for the solution of a problem depends on whether the multiplier is an integer, a decimal greater than 1, or a decimal less than 1 (Bell et al., 1984; De Corte et al., 1988; Fischbein et al., 1985; Luke, 1988; Mangan, 1986). The size of the effect, in terms of the difference in percentage of correct choices, is of the order of 10-15% for the difference between integer and decimal greater than 1 as multiplier. For the difference between integer and decimal less than 1, the size of the effect is of the order of 40%-50%. When the multiplier is less than 1, there is the added difficulty that the result is smaller than the multiplicand, which is incompatible with the repeated addition model. By contrast, the findings from these experiments show that it makes no appreciable difference what type of number appears as the multiplicand. Thus, these results for the interpretation of word problems modeled by multiplication show a clear pattern that is consistent with the theory advanced by Fischbein et al.
Anghileri & Johnson (1988)
- Anghileri, J. and Johnson, D. C. (1988). Arithmetic Operations on Whole Numbers: Multiplication and Division. In Post, T.R. (Ed.), Teaching Mathematics in Grades K-8, Longman Higher Education, Allyn and Bacon, pp.146-189. [asin:0205110762]
When considering how the symbolic expression 3×4 is interpreted by adults and children, we find the most common expressions are "3 multiplied by 4," "3 times 4," and "3 fours." Some people will use the expressions quite interchangeably on the understanding that all three are equivalent; in the domain of mathematics this may be acceptable but in real life there is an important distinction between these different interpretations. On one hand "3 times 4" and "3 fours" usually relate to three sets of four objects and are consistent with "3 lots of 4."
For children, three lots of four and four lots of three are fundamentally different. They think in concrete terms---three children each having four candies are luckier than four children each having three candies although the total number of candies is the same.
1. Give some real-life examples of situations in which a multiplication product a×b (for example, 5×6) is not the same as b×a (6×5).
(練習問題.1. a×bとb×a(例えば,5×6と6×5)が同じでないような,日常生活の例を挙げなさい.)
The balance or symmetry in the multiplication square relates to a very important property called the commutative property of multiplication, which states that for any two numbers a and b, a×b=b×a (for example, 3×4=4×3). Note that this is a property of numbers. While it is true that 3×4 is equal to 4×3, 3×4 may not be the same as 4×3 in a real-life situation.
(転載元:算数教育・資料集(外国語文献), かけ算の式と言葉の順序 メモ)
Vergnaud (1988)
- Vergnaud, G. (1988). Multiplicative Structures. In Hiebert, J. and Behr, M. (Eds.), Number Concepts and Operations in the Middle Grades, Vol.2, pp.141-161. [isbn:0873532651]
1. Connie wants to buy 4 plastic cars. They cost 5 dollars each. How much does she have to pay?
a) 5+5+5+5=20
b) 4・5=20
c) 5・4=20
d) 4+4+4+4+4=20
(1. コニーは4個のおもちゃの車を買いたい.1個は5ドルする.いくら払わないといけないか? 式省略)
The comparative facility of isomorphic over functional properties is even easier to show by considering all four procedures a, b, c, and d. Procedure b is a meaningful concatenation of procedure a. The cost of 4 cars = the cost of 1 car, plus the cost of 1 car, plus the cost of 1 car, plus the cost of 1 car. Expressed formally in terms of the isomorphic property for addition, this is f(1+1+1+1) = f(1)+f(1)+f(1)+f(1), and in terms of the isomorphic property for multiplication, f(4・1)=4・f(1). Procedure d is meaningless in terms of cars and costs. Twenty dollars cannot be 5 cars + 5 cars + 5 cars + 5 cars. Young students apparently are aware of this and never user procedure d. So there is a strong asymmetry between procedures b and c. They are not conceptually the same, although because of the commutativity of multiplication they may be mathematically equivalent.
Ohlsson (1988)
- Ohlsson, S. (1988). Mathematical Meaning and Application Meaning in the Semantics of Fractions and Related Concepts. In Hiebert, J. and Behr, M. (Eds.), Number Concepts and Operations in the Middle Grades, pp.53-92. [isbn:0873532651]
The referential mappings created by the two concepts of growing and of combining are not identical. When addition is interpreted as growth, the arguments are not interchangeable. Incrementing ten by two is not the same process as incrementing two by ten.5 When addition is interpreted as combining, on the other hand, the arguments are interchangeable. Combining five with three is the same process as combining three with five. In the growth interpretation of addition the first argument and the result both refer to the same quantity, although at different points in time, while in the combining interpretation the two arguments and the result refer to three distinct quantities. Neither the sense not the reference is the same in the two applications (see Figure 1).
5 This fact is sometimes described as a lack of commutativity on the part of the addition function. But the mathematical construct of addition cannot have the property of commutativity in some contexts and lack it in others. Addition is defined to be commutative. But when the addition construct is interpreted as describing growth, (5 + 3) and (3 + 5) refer to two different growth processes. The difference between the two cases resides in the real world, not in the mathematical construct.
Daroczy et al. (2015)
- Daroczy, G., Wolska, M., Meurers, W. D. and Nuerk, H-C. (2015). Word problems: a review of linguistic and numerical factors contributing to their difficulty. Frontiers in Psychology, Vol.6, No.348. http://journal.frontiersin.org/article/10.3389/fpsyg.2015.00348/full
Mathematical solution strategy variations have been studied extensively, and can be a function of linguistic factors like wording, semantic categories and propositions. However, how individuals come up with mathematical solution strategies can be also be influenced by numerical factors like number magnitude (Thevenot and Oakhill, 2005). Such variables, which are independent of other factors, make WPs harder and/or influence numerical representations, have rarely been studied. The position/place of the unknown variable has an effect on representation (Garcia et al., 2006). Even studies about working memory also investigated the position of the unknown variable (Swanson, 2004). The strategy of counting on from larger is easier if the bigger number is represented first (Wilkins et al., 2001). Even for adults: 4 + 2 = 6, and 2 + 4 = 6, which are mathematically equivalent, may psychologically imply different meanings (Kaput, 1979). The sequence of the numbers, e.g., whether a problem starts with the smaller or with the larger number (Verschaffel and De Corte, 1990), the position of the numbers and particular words (Schumacher and Fuchs, 2012) influence children's solution of elementary addition and subtraction problems. For example, in change problems children typically look for a specific number to begin with, depending on task features, like the first mentioned number (Lean et al., 1990; Wilkins et al., 2001), the type of problem (start or change set), and the size of the numbers (Verschaffel and De Corte, 1990).
(関連:4 + 2 = 6, and 2 + 4 = 6.原文において,"be also be"の前者のbeは不要ですし,1つの段落にlikeが3回出現しているなど,英文は洗練されていないのですが,1970年代の文献を引用しながら "4 + 2 = 6, and 2 + 4 = 6" と数式を書いているのは,興味深いところです.a+bとb+aは答えは同じでも意味は異なり得るのを,Daroczyらも言及しておきたかった,と推測します.)