For instance, the mathematician's concept of integer or real number multiplication is commutative: M x N = N x M. (That is one of the axioms.) The order of the numbers does not matter. Nor are there any units involved: the M and the N are pure numbers. But the non-abstract, real-world operation of multiplication is very definitely not commutative and units are a major issue. Three bags of four apples is not the same as four bags of three apples. And taking an elastic band of length 7.5 inches and stretching it by a factor of 3.8 is not the same as taking a band of length 3.8 inches and stretching it by a factor of 7.5.
- Vergnaud, G. (1983). Multiplicative Structures. In Lesh, R. and Landau, M. (Eds.), Acquisition of mathematics concepts and processes, Academic Press, pp.127-174. [isbn:012444220X]
Example 1. Richard buys 4 cakes priced at 15 cents each. How much does he have to pay?
a = 15, b = 4, M1 = [number of cakes], M2 = [costs]
From Schema 5.1 children can extract a×b=x. In Example 1, for instance, the child recognizes the situation to be multiplicative, and therefore multiplies 4×15 or 15×4 to find the answer. This binary composition is correct if a and b are viewed as numbers. But, if they are viewed as magnitudes, it is not clear why 4 cakes × 15 cents yields cents and not cakes.
(例1: リチャードは,1個15セントのケーキを4個買います.いくら払わないといけませんか?
a = 15, b = 4, M1 = [ケーキの個数], M2 = [金額]
- Anghileri, J. and Johnson, D.C. (1988). Arithmetic Operations on Whole Numbers: Multiplication and Division. In Post, T.R. (Ed.), Teaching Mathematics in Grades K-8, Longman Higher Education, Allyn and Bacon, pp.146-189. [asin:0205110762]
For children, three lots of four and four lots of three are fundamentally different. They think in concrete terms---three children each having four candies are luckier than four children each having three candies although the total number of candies is the same.
The balance or symmetry in the multiplication square relates to a very important property called the commutative property of multiplication, which states that for any two numbers a and b, a×b=b×a (for example, 3×4=4×3). Note that this is a property of numbers. While it is true that 3×4 is equal to 4×3, 3×4 may not be the same as 4×3 in a real-life situation.
- Greer, B. (1992). Multiplication and Division as Models of Situations. In Grouws D.A. (Ed.), Handbook of Research on Mathematics Teaching and Learning, National Council of Teachers of Mathematics, pp.276-295. [isbn:1593115989]
For example, consider the following contrasting pair:
A rocket travels at a speed of 16 miles per second. How far does it travel in 0.85 seconds?
A rocket travels at a speed of 0.85 miles per second. How far does it travel in 16 seconds?
From a purely computational point of view both problems involve the multiplication of 16 and 0.85, but the former is more difficult to envisage as requiring multiplication for solution; many children, indeed, judge that the answer would be given by 16÷0.85 (Greer, 1988).
Results from several experiments using problems from a variety of situation classes consistently show the multiplier effect (De Corte, Verschaffel, & Van Coillie, 1998, p. 203), namely that the difficulty of recognizing multiplication as the appropriate operation for the solution of a problem depends on whether the multiplier is an integer, a decimal greater than 1, or a decimal less than 1 (Bell et al., 1984; De Corte et al., 1988; Fischbein et al., 1985; Luke, 1988; Mangan, 1986).
Q. I've noticed that the authors of general mathematics textbooks most often explain a multiplication problem when presented horizontally, like 20 x 5 = 100, as multiplier x multiplicand = product. But in business mathematics textbooks, the authors explain the same multiplication problem as multiplicand x multiplier = product. For example, the problem 20 x 5 is thought to be 20 5s in general math texts, while in business math texts, it's thought of as five 20s. Why is there this inconsistency?
A. To my knowledge, there is no definitive consensus in the mathematical community about whether a multiplication expression such as 20 x 5 represents multiplier x multiplicand or multiplicand x multiplier.
However, if a multiplication expression represents a particular situation, then it's important to be clear about its numerical representation. For example, if the expression referred to twenty $5 bills, then your observation is that a general math text would represent it as 20 x 5 while a business math text would represent it as 5 x 20. Neither is more precise or accurate than the other.
(Q. 一般的な数学の教科書ではよく,かけ算の問題で式を,20×5=100のように書いて,「かける数×かけられる数=積」となっています.しかし経営数学の教科書では,同じかけ算の問題を「かけられる数×かける数=積」として説明しています.例えば20×5は,一般的な数学では20個の5と考えるけれど,経営数学では,5つの20と考えるのです.どうしてこんな不一致があるのでしょうか?
A. 私の認識では,数学のコミュニティでは20×5といったかけ算の式に対し,「かける数×かけられる数」と「かけられる数×かける数」のどちらであるかについて,明確なコンセンサスはありません.
To my mind, it makes no difference at all which is which. In fact, today it is more common to call them both "factors" and not make such a distinction. I wouldn't fight over this, on either side.
I recently saw a facsimile of a 19th-century text that defined the multiplier as the SMALLER of the two numbers, regardless of the order. So there's yet a third definition to use.
Really, the only distinction that can be made relates to the meaning in a given application: the number you start with (say, the size of each of several groups) is the multiplicand ("thing to be multiplied" in Latin), and the one being thought of as the number of groups, by which the original number is multiplied, is the multiplier. I would tend to read 456 x 10 as "456 ten's," giving me Britannica's definition; but I can also see it as "456, multiplied by 10," giving me your definition. If I write it as456 x 10 ----I see 10 as the multiplier, because in the usual process of multiplying, I multiply each digit of 456 BY a digit of 10. I'm operating on the 456, using the 10. Even then, I'm not sure that means anything. But I suspect this is the reason for calling the smaller number the multiplier, because it is easier to use the smaller number on the bottom (or to add that many of the larger number).
- かけ算の式と言葉の順序 メモ
- □×△と△×□,答えは同じだけど,意味は違う(2013年版)
- 算数教育・資料集(外国語文献)
- Multiplication in classes
- What are the views on "order of multiplication" and "order of addition" outside Japan? - かけ算の順序の昔話