- 幸福への近道 Shortcut to happiness
- 早起きする人熟睡できる人 Those who sleep soundly and get up with the sun
- 感謝して真剣に努力する人 Those who make a serious effort feeling grateful
- 仕事を趣味に能率を計る人 Those who are conscious of efficiency at business and for enjoyment
- 義務も責任も進んで果す人 Those who are willing to do their duty and discharge their responsibility
- 時間を守る人礼儀正しい人 Those who are punctual and courteous
- 頼もしい人融和を計る人 Those who are dependable and conciliatory
- 人も自分をも尊敬できる人 Those who respect both themselves and others
- 常に反省して素直に改める人 Those who keep thinking about themselves and mend obediently
- 何事も善意に解釈する人 Those who take everything in good part
- 注意深い人決断の早い人 Those who are careful but quick to take a decision
- 心身の健康を心掛ける人 Those who are mindful of their physical and emotional health
- 質素で金を活かして使う人 Those who live a modest life and make the most of money
- 孝心深い人恩に報いる人 Those who are devoted and repay an obligation
- 親切で人の為によく尽くす人 Those who are considerate and do a favor to others
- 良心と優しい愛情に満ちた人 Those who are filled with best minds and affection
- 恥を知る人偽りのない人 Those who are honorable and sincere
- 信念に徹した人辛棒強い人 Those who are true to their convictions and do not lose their patience
- どんな苦労も悠々耐える人 Those who go to any length in comfort
- 生き甲斐を求め精進する人 Those who devote themselves seeking the purpose of life
- 夢と希望に笑顔で生きる人 Those who always smile with dreams and hopes
- 不幸を自分で造る人 Who undergo hard times by their own behavior?
- 心の暗い人不愉快に暮らす人 Those who are unrestful and lead an unpleasant life
- 絶えず不満や愚痴の多い人 Those who always feel dissatisfied and make a complaint
- やる気がなくよくサボル人 Those who are languid and slack off
- 無責任な人法規を守らぬ人 Those who are irresponsible and do not comply with the law
- 時間も「物」も無駄にする人 Those who waste time and throw everything away
- 陰口が多く人の和を乱す人 Those who talk others' back and break down harmony among people
- 卑下する人自信なく焦る人 Those who depreciate themselves and feel pressed lacking in confidence
- 信仰心がなく自我の強い人 Those who are not religious but have an overmuch ego
- 神佛に無駄な願いをする人 Those who make a feckless wish to the gods and Buddha
- 心が狭くすぐ腹を立てる人 Those who are petty-minded and get angry at a small matter
- 暴飲暴食自分を粗末にする人 Those who overeat and overdrink to treat themselves like dirt
- お金を浪費し賭事をする人 Those who are careless with money or squander on bettings
- 悪友も道楽閑*1も多すぎる人 Those who keep bad company or give themselves up to debauchery
- 公徳心なく迷惑を掛ける人 Those who lack public spirit and bother the others
- 利己的気儘自分本位の人 Those who are selfish, arbitrary and egocentric
- 迷いも取越苦労も多い人 Those who often waver and have an imaginary fear
- 欲の深い人自惚れの強い人 Those who are acquisitive and conceited
- 依頼心の強い人苦労に負ける人 Those who are severely-dependent and unable to stand up under pressure
- 義理より権利を主張する人 Those who demand their right but neglect their social duty
- 貴重な一生を無為に過ごす人 Those who spend their precious lifetime in idleness