1. シュスター先生の授業
- Chapin, S. H., O'Connor, C. and Anderson, N. C. (2009). Classroom Discussions―Using Math Talk to Help Students Learn, Grades K-6 (Second Edition). Math Solutions. http://books.google.co.jp/books?id=2NX4I6mekq8C
Chapter 1の最初に,乗法の交換法則の学習に関する,3年生の授業が載っています.その前文と,先生・児童らのやりとり(pp.3-4)の中に,かけ算の式("multiplication sentence")や意味("mean")が登場します.
The students in Mrs. Schuster's third-grade class are discussing a question she has set out for them to consider: "Does the order of the numbers in a multiplication sentence affect the answer? Explain why or why not." In order to explore this question, they are generating examples of multiplication sentences and testing what happens when they change the order of the factors. Students know many of the basic multiplication facts but have not yet learned an algorithm for multidigit multiplication.
One student has made a conjecture that the order of the factors does not make a differencethe --- "the answer is the same no matter which number goes first." Students are agreeing with this conjecture by bringing up other examples that work, such as 3 x 4 = 12 and 4 x 3 = 12. Mrs. Schuster then asks if this conjecture works with larger numbers and suggests they use calculators to check. Students are able to generate many examples to verify the conjecture, but explaining why the products are the same is not as straightforward as carrying out the multiplication.1. Eddie: Well, I don't think it matters what order the numbers are in. You still get the same answer. But the multiplication sentences are different because they mean different things.
2. Mrs. S: OK, Rebecca, do you agree or disagree with what Eddie is saying?
3. Rebecca: Well, I agree that it doesn't matter which number is first, because two times five equals ten and that's the same answer as five times two. But I don't get what Eddie means about the multiplication meaning different things.
4. Mrs. S: Eddie, would you explain what you mean?
5. Eddie: Well, I just think that the two times five that Rebecca used can mean two groups of five things like two bags of five apples. And five times two means five bags of two apples. Those aren't the same at all.
6. Tiffany: [Hand up, waving] But you still have the same number of apples! So they do mean the same!
7. Mrs. S: OK, so we have two different ideas here to talk about. Eddie says that order does matter, because five times two and two times five can each be used to describe a different situation, like two bags of five apples or five bags of two apples. So the two number sentences mean different things. And Tiffany, are you saying that those two number sentences can't be used to describe two different situations?
8. Tiffany: No, I mean that even though the two situations are different, the answer is the same.
9. Mrs. S: OK, so you're saying that order doesn't matter because the answer is the same?
10. Tiffany: Right.
11. Mrs. S: OK. We need to think about this. In Eddie's statement, order makes a difference in the situation you're describing. In Tiffany's statement, order doesn't make a difference in the answer we get. So when does order make a difference in multiplying two numbers together?
なお,最後の強調("And Tiffany"から始まる疑問文)については,教師がそう問いかけることによる,授業における効果も,見ておく必要があります.以前にも書きましたが,「かけ算の交換法則を学習したら,□×△でも△×□でもいいのだ」は,教師のねらい*1でも,クラスで共有したい事項でもないということです.全体としては,『小学校学習指導要領解説 算数編』に書かれている「「乗数と被乗数を交換しても積は同じになる」という計算の性質」は,米国の,NCTM Standardをもとにした授業でも学習可能だとなります.
2. キャンディを持つ子どもたち
- Anghileri, J. and Johnson, D.C. (1988). Arithmetic Operations on Whole Numbers: Multiplication and Division. In Post, T.R. (Ed.), Teaching Mathematics in Grades K-8, Longman Higher Education, Allyn and Bacon, pp.146-189. asin:0205110762
1. Give some real-life examples of situations in which a multiplication product a×b (for example, 5×6) is not the same as b×a (6×5).
(練習問題.1. a×bとb×a(例えば,5×6と6×5)が同じでないような,日常生活の例を挙げなさい.)
For children, three lots of four and four lots of three are fundamentally different. They think in concrete terms---three children each having four candies are luckier than four children each having three candies although the total number of candies is the same.
When considering how the symbolic expression 3×4 is interpreted by adults and children, we find the most common expressions are "3 multiplied by 4," "3 times 4," and "3 fours." Some people will use the expressions quite interchangeably on the understanding that all three are equivalent; in the domain of mathematics this may be acceptable but in real life there is an important distinction between these different interpretations. On one hand "3 times 4" and "3 fours" usually relate to three sets of four objects and are consistent with "3 lots of 4."
ただし,注意することがあります.それは,"all three are equivalent"と"there is an important distinction between these different interpretations"の対比です."3 multiplied by 4"と"3 times 4"と"3 fours"の3つを例示していますが,ここは,"3 multiplied by 4"を一つの見方,"3 times 4"と"3 fours"をもう一つの見方とし,"3 multiplied by 4"はこれ以降対象外とする,と読めば,文章全体がよく理解できます.実際,原文目で追った限り,"multiplied by"の書き方は現れません.
なぜこれを排除しているのかというと,2つの見方の間で,かけられる数とかける数の意味が逆になり得るのを,著者らが認識していたからでしょうか.実際,"3 multiplied by 4"を直訳すると,「4を乗じられた3」となり,3がかけられる数,4がかける数に,それぞれ対応づけられます*2.それに対し"3 fours"は「3つの4」ですので,この場合,3がかける数,4がかけられる数です*3.
"3 multiplied by 4"を持ち出したのは,一応こうも考えられる,という著者らの表出であるように思われます.加えて,"Some people (略) equivalent"の箇所は,著者らはそれに与しない(そう考える人々がいるのは理解するが),といったところでしょうか.
そうしてmultiplied byを除外し,「3×4」「3 times 4」「3 fours」「3 lots of 4」を同等のものとすれば,ここで,3×4というかけ算の式の「意味づけ」が完成します.かけられる数とかける数を他の値にすれば,それによって異なる意味が与えられ,「4つずつキャンディを持っている3人の子どもは,3つずつキャンディを持っている4人の子どもよりも,運がいい.キャンディの総数は同じなのだけれども」はその帰結となります.
3. 「8は あと 2で 10です。」
- 作者: 尾?正彦
- 出版社/メーカー: 東洋館出版社
- 発売日: 2014/01/07
- メディア: 単行本
- この商品を含むブログを見る
[2] よういちさんは 8+7の けいさんを したのように しようと して います。
8は あと 2で 10です。
よういちさんの かんがえを あらわしている ず を したから えらび、したの □に かきましょう。
[3] [2]の もんだいで えらんだ ずの かんがえを したの ぶんに つづけて かきましょう。
*3:"3 times 4"は,"3 multiplied by 4"の意味にも"3 lots of 4"の意味にも利用されてきた,と個人的には推測しています.
*4:本記事で最初に引用した中で,Eddieの発言を受け,Mrs. S(シュスター先生)がRebeccaに振って賛否を尋ねています.クラスではそのように「振る」ことが当然のように行われている,と見るべきでしょう.